Sunday, October 11, 2015

Week Six Journal:

Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier are two architects that we talked a lot about in my Architecture History class this week. I never disliked Le Corbusier and his work, but seeing more of his work, in more detail this year has made me realize that I really appreciate him and what he has done for architecture. The Five Points of New Architecture is something that I have known since my first semester here, but it is hard to remember to apply them to projects,  so that is one of my goals to keep in mind for my next project. I also really appreciate Le Corbusier's drawing style! I am still not as familiar with Mies van der Rohe's work, but he did design the Farnsworth House and that is one of the most famous houses in America! His quote "Less Is More" is my second favorite architecture quote (Sullivan's "Form Follows Function" is my all time architecture favorite quote) All and all, I really appreciate Mies van der Rohe and Le Corbusier, and hope to learn more about them in the future. 

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