Friday, September 18, 2015

Week Three Journal:

This week I learned a very defined style is something that is very necessary for defining oneself as an Architect and just life in general. Without a personal style every portfolio, drawing, sketch, and poster just starts to blend in, but if you have a personal style people start to see things that you create and recognize it as such. I think it is just fantastic when we would pin-up all of our work in class and people could pick out who drew what just by viewing the work. 

Finding other Architects that I really admire and am inspired by is on my list of things to do because vocalizing a personal style and putting it all into words is something that I have a difficult time doing. We had a lecture on Architectural drawing this week and it really inspired me to draw more so that I can develop my drawing skills further and work on my own style. It is encouraging to see that most of the drawings that people put out are not the first version of the sketch, but at the same time I look back at the drawings that I produce and feel the need to redo all of them! Nothing left to do but practice I guess!

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