Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Week Two Journal:

During my second week of class I learned in my History of Design course that furniture design really sparked during the Industrial Revolution (It makes sense because with the new extensive use of machinery people could mass produce designs much more efficiently than they ever could have previously). Because the use of machines was on the rise and there was now a middle class people could afford to have others come into their homes and help decorate, thus creating the role of the Interior Designer/Decorator! I always was overwhelmed by the ornamentation and pure amount of the furniture in Victorian settings, but I learned that the furniture companies would mass produce older styles of furniture, then people would buy as much furniture as they could afford/fit into their homes to make themselves look very blessed. It was also a form of expression due to the fact that they would buy furniture styled after their heritage. All in all, I have decided that furniture design is really interesting and something that I want to learn more about in the future.

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