Sunday, November 29, 2015

Week Thirteen Journal:

Thanksgiving week! This week there was not many classes to attend because of the Holiday so I was blessed to return home for the second time this semester. I am originally from Lubbock, Texas, so it was quite a bit of a drive but I made it safely. Along the very long drive I passed many old and broken down homes from many old and forgotten little Texas towns, this was an amazing reminder that beauty can still be found in the broken down. It was also very interesting to compare the older homes with newer ones when it comes to things like ornamentation on the front faces of the buildings and the size and shapes of the drive ways. A lot of the homes in central Lubbock are built in the mid-century style, so that made running errands around town a lot more interesting. In addition to just enjoying the design from the car, I was able to watch a lot of Mad Men on Netflix. The show is famous for its mid-century modern design and it just a fun and entertaining way to soak up the design of the 1960's through the New York advertising men!

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